Terms and conditions relating to this website
DPP Construction LLP is a company registered in England and Wales under company registration number OC407542 having its registered office at 15 Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey. VAT Registration Number: 976 340 104.
This lets you know what you can and cannot do with any part of the Sites content. All copyright, trademarks, other intellectual property rights and database rights in the material contained on this Site (the "Site Material"), belong to or are licensed to DPP Construction LLP. All rights reserved. Any material may only be used for non-commercial, personal use when any proprietary notices must be retained. You may not copy, reproduce, transmit, store, adapt or modify any of the images or content of this Site without the prior written consent of the Site Owner. No part of this Site may be reproduced on or transmitted to or stored in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.
Please read this section carefully as it contains the conditions governing your use of the website (the "Site") owned by DPP Construction LLP (the "Site Owner", "us" or "we"), including the Copyright Notice and the Terms & Conditions. By using this Site you hereby agree to the conditions of use in force at that time. The following section contains the legal terms and conditions that you agree to when you use this part of the Site.
1. Materials on the Site
As the Site Owners we are the owner or the licensee of all copyright, design, graphical and text arrangements, other intellectual property rights, and database rights that exist in the content of the Site. We shall take such action as is necessary to protect our rights in this Site. Interference or entry to the Site with intent to corrupt, damage or deny service from the Site or for other commercial benefit shall be taken seriously and we shall take such action as is necessary to protect the Site from any such activities. You acknowledge that damages may not be an adequate remedy for any infringement of our rights by you and that the Site Owner is entitled to the remedies of injunction, specific performance, orders to deliver up infringing copies and any other statutory or equitable relief for any threatened or actual infringement and that no proof of special damages is necessary for reliance on such remedies.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing nothing on the Site shall be deemed to confer on any person any license or right to use any such image, logo, name or trademark and any such use may constitute an infringement of our rights. We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions and any other terms and conditions on this Site without notice to you from time to time. Any such amendment shall be effective once the revised terms have been posted on this Site. As these terms and conditions may be updated from time to time, we suggest that you check them whenever you visit the Site.
2. Use of personal information
Through your use of the Site you agree that personal information that is provided will be dealt with in accordance with our privacy and cookie policy. This information will be used to contact you regarding your query and for any future communications.
3. Jurisdiction and Law
This Site is directed at UK residents only. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Disputes arising here in respect of the use of this Site shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
4. Errors and omissions
This site is regularly updated and information maintained; we will do our best to correct errors and omissions on the Site as soon as we can. Whilst we have taken care in the preparation of the Site, as certain technical matters may be beyond our control, we cannot guarantee that you will have uninterrupted or error free access to all or any part of the Site at all times or that any defects will be remedied or that the Site or the server that makes the Site available are virus or bug free. Access may be suspended occasionally or restricted to allow for repair or maintenance or for the introduction of new services.
5. External links
We may provide links to other web sites, which are not under the control of the Site Owners. These links are provided for your convenience. When you activate these links, you will leave the Site and we do not endorse or take responsibility for the content on those web sites or the availability of those web sites and we are not liable for any loss or damage, which you may suffer by using those web sites. If you decide to access linked web sites you do so at your own risk. We reserve the right, at our absolute discretion, to prohibit any link from another website or equivalent entity to materials or information on this Site.
6. Use of stock images
Throughout the Site, where appropriate, stock images are used for illustration purposes only. The relevant permission and usage rights have been obtained by DPP Construction LLP. Examples of our work can be found in our “gallery” and also via our social media channels. Further examples can be provided on request.
7. Complaint & Alternative Dispute Resolution
We always endeavour to provide the best service and products for our customers. However, on rare occasions, we recognise that there may be times where our customers may not be completely satisfied.
To ensure we are able to put things rights as soon as we can, please contact us via the details supplied below and we will respond promptly to ensure complete satisfaction.
As soon as possible after the completion of the works, please inspect the work to ensure everything has been carried out to our usual high standards.
In the unlikely event there is anything you are not completely satisfied with, please contact us as soon as you can in order that we can rectify any problems as soon as possible.
Either call us on 01293 822666, email us at enquiries@dppconstruction.com or write to us at the following address:
60 Poynes Road,
Please request proof of receipt if posting.
We aim to respond within 2 days of receiving your complaint and where possible, will provide you with a date to remedy any issues raised.
Where we are unable to resolve your complaint using our own complaints procedure, as a Which? Trusted trader we use Dispute Resolution Ombudsman for dispute resolution. In the unlikely event that we cannot remedy your complaint to your satisfaction you may wish to refer your complaint to them. If you wish to do so please contact Which? Trusted traders in the first instance on 0117 456 6031 or via their website.